Watch Me Entertain Myself!

Sacha Guitry once said, "You can pretend to be serious, but you can't pretend to be witty." Oh yes, I'm the great pretender.
(pilot episode: 20 January 2004)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Post VD

So, it was my first non-single Valentine’s Day, and what did we do? Go on a group date! D and I joined a group of mostly single guys (plus one or two taken ones) on a late dinner at a quaint old house in Sampaloc for our Friends’ Valentine evening.

Why didn’t we do what the other couples usually do on the day of hearts--dinner for two, maybe a movie screening, then boink ‘til the morning? Because whenever D and I go out by ourselves, it’s already a date. And we usually go out on dates. So to make Valentine’s day special, why not spend it with people who are special to us? D even met up with his mom and sister earlier that evening; I thought that was really the sweetest of gestures.

So we ended up with some of the Fabcasters and members of our peanut gallery eating and drinking the night away. We enjoyed the scrumptious food lovingly prepared by our host. We shared jokes, barbs and stories, from the mundane to the academic. We laughed our asses off. Some of us even witnessed a gang war (well, we were in Sampaloc; it was two groups shouting threats at one another and making hostile gestures.) We had our pictures taken. And we hugged one another tightly when we said our goodbyes.

Valentine’s is a celebration of love and life, and last night we did just that.


Earla Janice Aquino said...

Happy Puso to you, Joel! :-)

MkSurf8 said...

happy balentayms to J & D. =)

Anonymous said...

maiba nga naman.

belated happy vday to you mcvie and to your partner. :)